
What is the best non-Twilight performance of a Twilight star?

A simple look at IMDB proves that the list of our favorite Twi-stars other performances is long. In my search for a little Twi-star love to tide me over until Eclipse, I hardly know what movies to pick.

Sure, IMDB tells you whether they were in the movie, but they don't give you other essentials, like how much screen time did they get? How many lines did they have? Did their character wear many clothes? Was there any frontal nudity? Were there any sex or masturbation scenes?

And, after New Moon, I am feeling a little squicky about my Puma-ish reaction to Taylor and potentially other twi-stars if I see movies where they were really young (I am writing nas-tay versions of fic Bella, mind you--it kind of makes me want to stay away from Panic Room.)

All that said, I want your recs. What must-see prior works do you recommend? If they happen to involve The Peach I'd be A-OK with that. Mabarberella already gave me one today :)


Bouncy72 said...

Unfortunately the only other thing I have seen Peter in, is nurse Jackie (oh and his spoofs on You Tube)
Kellan - I've seen him in a couple when he was younger. But he was in was in one called Deep winter - he & his friend try & snow board this impossible mountain...it wasn't bad, not great either though. However it had the most amazing ski & snow boarding stunts ever (& it's pretty cool know Kellan's into all that stuff)
Jackson is in one that is coming out called Dread, I'm looking forward to that. (they have a trailer up on You Tube)- looks like a scary (lol slightly prdictable) movie...but hey I enjoy those, plus he looks great in this!
Rob - saw Vaniety Fair years ago, can't remember him & was totally disapointed in the movie anyway. I'm not the biggest Harry Potter fan (don't kill me *grin*) although I do remember thinking when I saw it & Rob first jumps down from the tree, that, that boy was hot!
The Haunted Airman - It was not at all what I was expecting but, it was ok for a Rob fix, he acted incredibly well in it. It's only 90 mins though & has some very slow moving parts.

All in All nothing AMAZING! My fav of the lot is probably Deep winter & I AM looking forward to Dread!

Bouncy72 said...

Lol I was at the video club today & landed up getting a dvd called Adventureland it's got Kristen in it (not the biggest of her fans, but..*shrugs*) Lol however it ALSO has Ryan Reynolds... Mmmm
It was an alright movie & Kristen actually smiles. Pretty much a regular teen romance type film, but alright entertainment!

Unknown said...

You should rent Speak, which is a very good adaptation of one of my favorite books. I was very impressed that what I expected would be a shitty Lifetime movie instead translated the atmosphere and style of the book to the screen perfectly. Sometimes I hate KStew's overly blinky, stuttering performances, but she's so much better in this movie. I think because she doesn't actually talk for most of it...

MadeWithoutWax said...

I rented Adventureland too and then I lost it and then I found it and since Bbuster wont take it back I own it!

Lucky me.