
Fic Rationing: Updates That Are Too Good To Read

Do you ever get an update for fic so sweet, an update you've been waiting for so long, an update you know will pwn you so hard that you can't f-ing read it? I don't know whether this happens to you, but it happens to me. A lot.

I'll bet some of you might be surprised to know that right now, as I write these words, an update for "Rabbit Hole" by ProfMom, "Irritable Grizzly Adams" by Caligula42 and (don't hit me) "Ithaca Is Gorges" by Giselle-lx are sitting in my Unread Fic folder, untouched. They're not sitting there because I don't love them--they're sitting there because I love them so much that being without the next chapter hurts my heart.

Sure, "Clipped Wings and Inked Armor" by hunterhunting rocks my world, but I read it the second it hits my box because I know another update will be coming within days. But, with some of the other fics, fics that don't update as regularly, I feel like I have to make them last. So I let them sit for awhile, hopefully to soften the blow and shorten the window of time between the chapter-end cliffhanger and the update. An update that I will, ironically, let sit in my box for days. Yeah, I just rolled my eyes.

So, I want to know. Do you ration your fic?


SassenachWench said...

OK, I wasn't gonna comment this time (since I always seem to be the first, and it's a little fangrrl-ish for me) but OMFG. When you wrote:

Do you ever get an update for fic so sweet, an update you've been waiting for so long, an update you know will pwn you so hard that you can't f-ing read it?

I was thinking "Like Irritable Grizzly Adams, STILL sitting in my inbox, unread cos I don't wanna cry?"

And the next thing you say is ... Like IGA. LOL

redemptionsong said...

This is how I feel about HL5. I had a ton of update alerts in my inbox yesterday and yeah, I was pleased. But then I got the alert for HL5 and I couldn't wait to read it and yet I didn't want to at the same time. It's almost like I want to bask in the fact that I have this alert in my hands and I can read it whenever I want and that I'm not at the mercy of the author.

... that sounds really odd and I'm not even sure I know what I'm talking about.

lovemesometwi said...

I wish I could ration my fic! I am an addict. I am off work right now and all I do is read and write. This is an addiction there is no cure for. I have tried reading other novels and I can't because there is no edward and bella! I am a sick sick women!

Walla Walla Mama said...

I do, funny that redemption song mentioned HL5, I just read the latest update in the quiet of my morning. That story needs to be savored, and the anticipation, knowing it's sitting there in my inbox, waiting for just the right time, makes it that much better when I finally have time and the right setting to read. The Office and Poughkeepsie updates will sit for a while...

Anonymous said...

Wow...just wow, you're so, um not sure of the correct word to express myself, real? sensible? great advice giver? (lol)
I usually read my updates as soon as I see them, unless, like you said, it pwns you so hard that you can't f-ing read it. Sometimes have that reaction with CWAIA, The Screamers & The woods are lovely dark & deep.

MadeWithoutWax said...

Clipped Wings is the one I get most excited about. It doesn't matter to me if the fic updates weekly of monthly. If it's one that I really like I get equally excited. I have been waiting two months for a fic update on Bonne Foi and I'm just not sure how I will react when it finally does. I may be super excited and read it right away but I'm feeling more like giving up on it because I loose track of what is happening in the fic if it updates to slowly. I may wait on that one until it is complete and just reread the whole thing. Now, I typically read complete stories or wait until it's 10 or so chapters in before I start it.

GreenPuma said...

I will admit, I have abandoned a few that update slowly only to pick them back up once they are finished (and, usually, I need to start over). I find that some fic with simple plot lines are easy to pick up no matter how much time has passed (e.g., Coming to Terms, Hiding in Plain Sight) but I agree that the really complex ones are hard to pick back up after a long break.

Meanwhile, bouncy72, what are these fics you speak of? I know CWaIA but not "The Screamers" & "The woods are lovely dark & deep"...do you have links?

Walla Walla Mama, I agree on waiting for the right moment to read some fic, HL5 included :)

Anonymous said...

The link for the woods are lovely dark & deep is http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4997335/1/
It's just a really different story & she almost writes it like poetry it's so beautifully done, & gosh so descriptive.
The Screamers link is
This is just one of the craziest stories I've read, I cry with laughter most chapters (plus a very dorky, but extremely crazy f*ckable Rob cameo's in this too & He's also hysterical) Oh yah & Emmett is a "serenity councillor" or something.
HL5 is awesome but I feel so bad for them both (especially Edward, lol, of course Edward, he owns me)

redsnapdragon said...

I used to hold on to updates for The List, that was the first fic I ever read, and still one of my favorites. Now I will hold The Office updates, until I go back and re-read all good parts again (which is most of it, right?) leading up to the update. I don't want to believe that one is almost done.